Wednesday, 10 April 2019

More than 70 Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Chrome|how to use chrome desktop shortcut use like a pro

Google chrome shortcuts

Google chrome shortcuts

We are all aware of shortcut keys of the computer and might be use it in day to day life and we are knowing almost everything, but I will tell you some chrome shortcut it may be many of the shortcut will are not known’s, or might you have known. For the chrome desktop version for windows.

There are 5 types of classification of chrome desktop shortcut keys which are as follow: -


And I will be explaining all the classification of all the shortcuts keys, let’s go straight into in.

chrome hot keys 



1.  press and hold the CTRL button and press the N button gently then the new window will appear.


2.  press and hold the CTRL button and SHIFT button press the N button then a new window will open in the incognito mode.


3.   press and hold the CTRL button and press the T button then a new tab will open on it and you can jump onto it.

4.    press and hold the CTRL button and SHIFT button press the T button then you will notice that you have undo the recent open tab or a reopen the last closed tab in the chrome.


5.   press and hold the CTRL button and press the TAB button OR you can simply press and hold the CTRL button and press the PAGE DOWN KEY it will take you to next open tab or jump to the next open tab whatever.

                   [CTRL+TAB] or [CTRL+ PAGE DOWN KEY]

6.   press and hold the CTRL button and SHIFT button and press the TAB button OR you can press and hold the CTRL button and press the PAGE UP button and it will take it you to previous open tab which is similar to the 5th point.

                   [ CTRL+ SHIFT+ TAB] or [CTRL+ PAGE UP]

7.  press and hold the CTRL button and use the number keys 1 to 8 to jump or switch the open tab easily.

                             [CTRL+ number keys 1 to 8]

8.       press and hold the ALT button and press the home key to access or open the home page from current tab.


9.        press and hold the CTRL button and use the number key 9 to jump or switch the last tab

                            [CTRL+ number key 9]

10.   press and hold the ALT button and press LEFT ARROW (à) to open the previous page from your browsing history in the current tab.

                     [ALT+ LEFT ARROW (à)]

11.   press and hold the ALT button and press RIGHT ARROW (ß)to open the next page from your browsing history in the current tab.

                        [ALT+ RIGHT ARROW (ß)] 

12.   press and hold the ALT button and SPACE and press N to minimize the current window.

                         [ALT+ SPACE+N]

13.   press and hold the ALT button and SPACE and press X to maximize the current window.

                       [ALT+ SPACE+X]

14.   press and hold the ALT button and F4 button to close the current window.

                       [ALT+ F4] 

15.   press and hold the CTRL button and press W or you can press and hold the CTRL button and F4 to close the current tab.

                    [CTRL+W] or [CTRL+F4]

16.   press and hold the CTRL button and SHIFT button and press the W to close the all open tabs and the browser

                    [CTRL+ SHFT+W]

17.   press and hold the CTRL button and SHIFT button and press the Q to quit the google chrome.





1.  press and hold the ALT and press the F button OR press and hold the ALT and press the E OR press and hold the ALT and press the F10 key to open the chrome menu.

[ALT+F] or [ALT+E] or [ALT+F10]

2.   press and hold the CTRL and SHIFT and the B button to show or hide the bookmarks bar.


3.  press and hold the CTRL and SHIFT and O button to open the bookmarks manager.


4.  press and hold the CTRL and H button to open the history page in a new tab.


5.  press and hold the CTRL and J button to open the download page in a new tab.


6.  press and hold the SHIFT and ESC button to open the chrome task manager.


7.       press and hold the SHIFT and ALT and T button to set focus on the first item in the chrome toolbar.


8.       press F6 function key for switching the focus forward between the address bar, bookmarks bar if showing the page content.


9.       Press and hold the SHIFT and press F6 key to switch focus backward between the address bar, bookmarks bar if showing the page content.


10.   Press and hold the CTRL button and press F at same time or use the F3 function key to open the find bar to search the current page.

[CTRL+ F] or [F3]

11.   Press and hold the CTRL button and press G for jump to the next match to your find bar search.


12.   Press and hold the CTRL button and SHIFT and press G for jump to the previous match to your find bar search.

13.   Press F1 to open the chrome help center in a new tab.


14.   Press and hold the CTRL button and SHIFT and press J or use the F12 to open the developer tool.

[CTRL+SHIFT+J] or [F12]

15.   Press and hold the CTRL button and SHIFT and press DELETE to open the clear browsing data options.


16.   Press and hold the CTRL button and SHIFT and press M to log in a different user or browser as a guest user.



17.   Press and hold the ALT button and SHIFT and press I to open the feedback form in the chrome.


C. ADDRESS BAR SHORTCUTS (use the following shortcut in the address bar)


1.       Type a search term + Enter its search with your default search engine.

2.       Type a search engine name + TAB its search with your different search engine.

3.       Type a site name+ CTRL+ ENTER it add the WWW. and .COM to a site name, and open it into current tab.

4.       Type a search term+ ALT+ENTER its open a new tab and perform a google search

5.        Press CTRL + I or ALT + D or F6 to jump into address.

6.       Press CTRL+ K or CTRL + E to search from anywhere on the page.

7.       Press DOWN ARROW to highlight + SHIFT+DELETE key to remove the predictions from your address bar.


web page shortcut

1.  Press and hold the CTRL and press P to open the option to print the current page.

2.       Press and hold the CTRL and press S to open options to save the current page.

3.       Press and hold the CTRL and press R or press F5 to reload the current page.

4.       Press and hold the CTRL and SHIFT and press R or SHIFT and F5 to reload the current page, ignoring cached contend.

5.       Press the ESC key to stop the page loading.

6.       Press TAB key to browse clickable items moving forward.

7.       Press and hold the SHIFT and press TAB to browse the clickable item moving backward.

8.       Press and hold the CTRL and press O to select or open the file in the chrome.

9.       Press and hold the CTRL and press U to display the non-editable HTML source code for the current page.

10.   Press and hold the CTRL and press D to save your current webpage as a bookmark.

11.   Press and hold the CTRL and SHIFT and press D to save all pen tabs as bookmarks in a new folder.

12.   Press F11 to turn the screen mode on or off

13.   Press and hold the CTRL and press + (plus) sign to make everything on the page make bigger

14.   Press and hold the CTRL and press – (minus) sign to make everything on the page smaller

15.   Press and hold the CTRL and press 0 to return everything on the page to default size

16.   Press and hold the SPACE or press PAGE DOWN to scroll down a web page in a screen at a time

17.   Press and hold the SHIFT+ SPACE or press PAGE UP to scroll up a web page a screen at a time

18.   Press HOME to go at the top of the page

19.   Press the END key to go the bottom of the page

20.   Press SHIFT and SCROLL YOUR MOUSE WHEEL to scroll horizontally on the page

21.   Press and hold the CTRL and press LEFT ARROW (ß) to move your cursor to the front of the previous world in a text field

22.   Press and hold the CTRL and press RIGHT ARROW (à) to move your cursor to the front of the next word in a text field

23.   Press and hold the CTRL and press BACKSPACE to delete the previous word in the text field

24.   Press and hold the ALT and press N to move focus to notification  

25.   Press and hold the ALT and SHIFT and press A to allow within a notification

26.   Press and hold the ALT and SHIFT and press D to deny the notification

27.   Press and hold the ALT and press home to open the home page in the current tab




 1. Drag a link to a tab: - its open a link in a current tab (only possible with mouse)   

 2.  Press CTRL + CLICK A LINK: - its open a link and jump to it 

 3. Drag a link to a blank area of the tab strip: - its open a link and jump to it (only possible with mouse)

 4. Press SHIFT + CLICK A LINK: - to open a link in a new   window

MOUSE SHORTCUT 5. Drag the table tab out of strip: - its open a tab in a new window (only possible with mouse)

 6.  Drag the table with existing window: - its move tab to a current        window (only possible with mouse)

 7. Press ESC while dragging: - return a tab to its original position

 8.  Drag the web address to the bookmark bar: - save the current     webpage as a bookmark

 9. Press ALT and click a link to download the target of a link

 10.   Right click back or next to display your browsing history

11.  Click and hold back or the next to display your browsing                 history

12.  Double click a blank area of the tab strip to switch between   maximized and windows mode

 13.   Press CTRL and scroll your mouse wheel up to make every  thing on the page bigger

14.   Press CTRL and scroll your mouse wheel down to make                  everything on the page smaller  

I hope all of you are understand and many of them are known to you but the shortcut key is very very useful and I m also using this while researching all the shortcut keys and it is all the possible way to find the shortcut key

However, you can comment down below which are not know to you and after get this shortcut how are you feeling
Thanks for reading my article and giving your valuable time       
Thank you very much

Have a nice day 😊              

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Hey! 👋 I’m Pratap, a Frontend Developer with 2+ years of experience crafting digital experiences through code and design. I specialize in frontend web development and UI/UX design, Through this blog, I share practical insights, tips, and learnings from my journey in tech and design. While naturally introverted, I'm passionate about contributing to the developer community. Dive into my blog for insights on these topics, and feel free to connect with me on Social Media